Wednesday, 4 June 2014

How to Protect Yourself From Harmful UV Rays

The UV protection umbrella is the latest tool in the ongoing fight against skin cancer. These harmful diseases, which include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, are often caused by a variety of factors, but scientists agree that they often share a common cause: overexposure to harmful UV rays. These rays are found in the sunlight we experience everyday, so companies like JoeShade worked hard to develop an effective UV protection umbrella that was easy to set up and effective at blocking those rays.

While researchers work hard to develop treatments for these diseases, doctors continue to advocate for a series of precautions and preventative measures in order to help people avoid the disease in the first place. For now, taking these precautions is the best way to protect yourself from the UV rays that cause these diseases. And it's important to follow these preventative measures every single time you step out into the sun. Every time you expose your skin to direct UV rays, you increase your risk of developing harmful skin cancer, so there's no excuse to not prepare.

Getting outside, staying active and enjoying the great outdoors are all important aspects of a healthy lifestyle, too. So how do you get outside to do all that without having to worry about those UV rays? With just a few quick steps you can get yourself ready.

Always try to wear as much clothing as possible to cover your skin. This is a simple step that will obviously depend on what you're doing for the day, so plan accordingly. You don't want to worry about heat exhaustion either, after all! Another simple addition to your wardrobe that can help block out rays is a hat. And you shouldn't forget to protect your eyes either, so grab a pair of sunglasses and keep them handy at all times. Be sure you have plenty of sunscreen ready to go during the times of year when UV rays are at their most harmful and be aware of the time of day when UV light is at its strongest (normally between 10 am and 4 pm). Finally, if you're going to be outside for an extended period of time while its sunny out, do your best to stay in the shade as often as you can. And if you're going to be in one spot for a prolonged amount of time where there’s no shade, you should definitely bring a UV protection umbrella.

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